Today Drew and I are hanging out around the house like most days. We have felt so blessed by so many people eager and wanting to help out in some way. Our awesome Sunday school class and people from our church are one of many groups who are blessing us with meals, encouragement and prayers. I think having people swing by has helped with my cabin fever of being in the house so much.
Since Drew has been home he has had his first home bath. He often slept through his baths at the hospital but he was awake and fussy when he was not warm or covered. We even had one instance of pee streaming through the air during the bath. Not to worry, we quickly covered him up to contain the fountain and just laughed.
He is still eating every 3 hours making nighttime sleep still difficult. He is sure to wake us up when he hits his three hour eating time. We are following the Babywise book about scheduling the feed/wake/sleep cycle for the baby. With that system, they eat every 2 1/2 -3 hours with the expection of the middle of the night feeding. In the middle of the night feeding they can sleep up to 5 hours uninterrupted before their next meal. This helps teach them the difference between day and night. Drew is still waking us up at the 3- 3 1/2 hour mark, which is fine for now. He is still young and will get there.
He is also learning to enjoy his little play yard. Today for the first time he was hitting at the red mirror dangling down. Now, I am sure that he did not mean to hit it but it he did knock it over and over. Here is picture of him in action. :)
More pictures of Drew
His favorite pacifier that he is latched onto.